Make sure that you know what the event is about on the specific date and location you would like to recite your poem. You can find this information at:
Refer to the General Terms and Conditions and your agreement to the terms. The most important items are:
✔️ I will comply with the ILFU Code of Conduct.
✔️ I give permission for my performance to be broadcast via livestream.
✔️ ILFU and the relevant (media) partners have the right to post my poem and performance on their channels, but I retain the copyrights for my poem(s) at all times.We will also publish a selection of the recited poems in a variety of places. If you wish to submit your poem for publication, please bring a copy (preferably in PDF format) to upload at the event. Only pre-submitted poems will be considered for publication, but you are not required to submit your poem in advance in order to participate.
Fill in the sign-up form by clicking on the link below. The form will take around 6 minutes to complete. When you sign up, you will automatically receive two confirmations via e-mail: the first when you have chosen a date and time slot, and the second after you have completed the entire form. If you have not received a confirmation, please check in your spam folder first. If you still cannot find the confirmation mail, please send us a reminder.
If you have any questions or problems when filling in the form, please send a message to Hidde and Fleur from the 1,000 Poets team. They will contact you at the first possible opportunity. 1000poets<at>